2017 Book Sale will be held during the Health Fair on Thursday, April 27.
The hours for the Health Fair will be 2:00 – 6:00 pm, but I anticipate starting our sale earlier. The Health Department will make arrangements for us to get into the EPEC building at 8:00 a.m.
Other booths will be doing set-up starting at 10:00 am. I’m hoping we will have set-up done and can start selling by noon?? Since this is a different date and time-frame than past years, we will have to be somewhat flexible. There will be food/drinks available from the EPEC kitchen.We will do set-up in the morning and the sale will be in the afternoon. So please make note of this date so you can (hopefully) plan to help sort and display books, do a sale shift, and/or clean-up. It will be a long day, so I hope to split up the duties!